For the travelling digital nomad having the right card for the job can be difficult and I’m not here to find that work that out for you as the needs of the many complicated the needs of the few.
Today I’m just here to mention a few cards in my minimalist arsenal but if you want a review take a peak at youtube or their main sites for something indepth.
Also before I continue one should always be prepared for a card to be lost/stolen or misused and have a protocol to lock the cards or funds in a swift manner and as much as I enjoy fun cards having a reliable American Express and/or a functional Credit Visa/Mastercard from your country of citizenship preferably with a “save my ass” amount of credit is always recommended as a baseline.
Let’s get going.
If you’re rocking it in Canada I can not praise Koho enough, it’s like the little engine that could and maybe I just like the functionality of their virtual cards is useful. Worth opting for the physical card too.
Virtual cards, a wide range of features but if you’re someone who needs to transfer and receieve funds in multiple currencies and tend to need to exchange those funds to a main Revolut is your best friend.
Receive GBP locally or another currently via credit/debit in that home currency and then exchange in house at no fee and a real rate to your chosen main currency on the fly… whoa. Game changer.
Do you dabble in crypto too or stocks it has you covered. If you’re in the UK/Europe this is one to get in your wallet pronto.
You know I’ve been with crypto since the beginning. While I may not be the big dog anymore when it comes to the coin the card still is my favourite for loading.
With many KYC demands it may be a little much for some and just remember this card is no different than any other one day it could just “go” so never rely fully but enjoy it even if you just use it as a charge/reloadable. Fees aren’t to amazing but the security and the benefits are to be respected.
With all that said I can’t stress enough getting an RFID/NFC blocker for your wallaet. Above is a link to one in Canada but any other will do where you situated to your liking.
Best of luck and be safe and when possible still get accounts with the top banks in your nation when possible and keep tight records.